
Windows 7에서 ADB가 Nexus 4를 인식하지 못함

crosscheck 2020. 5. 28. 08:00

Windows 7에서 ADB가 Nexus 4를 인식하지 못함

Windows 7에서 실행 중이며 하드웨어 장치 사용과 관련하여 Android 개발자 웹 사이트에 표시된대로 모든 드라이버를 업데이트했습니다. 그러나 응용 프로그램을 실행하려고해도 Eclipse 가 여전히 Nexus 4를 인식하지 못합니다. Android 기기 선택기가 팝업되지만 하드웨어 섹션에 아무 것도 표시되지 않습니다. 휴대 전화에서 디버깅, 타사 앱 및 모의 위치를 ​​모두 설정했습니다.

전화가 아직 새 것이기 때문입니까? Nexus를 Eclipse와 함께 사용할 수있는 방법이 있습니까?

명령 프롬프트의 ADB 장치 아래에 아무것도 표시되지 않습니다 .

Nexus 4에서도 비슷한 상황이 발생했습니다. 저에게는 Windows가 자동으로 설치하는 드라이버에 문제가있었습니다. [Q] 컴퓨터가 전화를 인식하지 못합니다. 의 지침을 따랐습니다 . -포스트 # 8 . Windows 7에서 약간의 차이가있었습니다.

나를 위해

  1. 장치 관리자에서 드라이버 제거
  2. 일반 'MTP 장치 드라이버'를 자동으로 설치하십시오.
  3. 새 장치를 마우스 오른쪽 버튼으로 클릭하고 '드라이버 업데이트'를 선택하십시오.
  4. '디스크 있음'을 선택하고 [android-sdk-dir] \ extras \ google을 가리 켰습니다.
  5. 'ADB'드라이버 설치를 보았습니다.
  6. Nexus 4에서 Eclipse를 성공적으로 실행했습니다.

행운을 빕니다!

이전 의견을 확인하십시오. 개발자 옵션을 활성화 한 다음 새로 나타난 개발자 옵션에서 USB 디버깅을 선택하고 카메라 (PTP) 모드로 연결을 전환해야했습니다.

USB 디버깅 을 사용하려면 전화 설정 및 하단 탭 빌드 번호 7 번으로 이동하십시오. USB 디버깅을 활성화 할 수있는 개발자 설정이 활성화됩니다.

수정에 /에서 안드로이드 USB 드라이버 설치 윈도우 7/8 32 비트 / 64 비트를 :

  1. Android 기기를 컴퓨터의 USB 포트에 연결합니다.
  2. 데스크탑 또는 Windows 탐색기에서 컴퓨터를 마우스 오른쪽 단추로 클릭하고 관리를 선택 하십시오 .
  3. 왼쪽 창에서 장치를 선택하십시오.
  4. 오른쪽 창에서 Other device (기타 장치)를 찾아 확장하십시오.
  5. 기기 이름 ( Nexus 7 / Nexus 5 / Nexus 4 )을 마우스 오른쪽 버튼으로 클릭하고 드라이버 소프트웨어 업데이트를 선택 합니다. 하드웨어 업데이트 마법사가 시작됩니다.
  6. 컴퓨터에서 드라이버 소프트웨어 찾아보기를 선택 하고 다음을 클릭하십시오.
  7. 찾아보기를 클릭 하고 USB 드라이버 폴더를 찾으십시오. (Google USB 드라이버는에 있습니다 <sdk>\extras\google\usb_driver\.)
  8. 다음클릭 하여 드라이버를 설치하십시오.

여전히 작동하지 않으면 MTP 에서 PTP로 변경하십시오 .


같은 문제가 있었지만 PTP 모드로 변경하고 싶지 않았습니다. 이것이 MTP가 여전히 활성화 된 상태에서 수정 한 방법 입니다.

  1. Android SDK Manager의 Eclipse에서 Google USB 드라이버를 제거했습니다.
  2. 장치 관리자에서 드라이버를 제거했습니다. "컴퓨터에서 드라이버 삭제"상자를 클릭하십시오.
  3. 휴대폰을 컴퓨터에 연결했다가 다시 연결했습니다.
  4. Nexus 4 용 Windows가 "부적절하게"설치된 드라이버
  5. Nexus 4는 이제 내 컴퓨터 에 드라이브처럼 표시되었습니다 .
  6. SDK 관리자에서 Google USB 드라이버를 다시 설치하십시오.
  7. 기기 관리자에서 Nexus 4 드라이버를 업데이트합니다.
  8. 모든 것이 작동합니다.

나는 같은 문제가 있었고 위의 어느 것도 효과가 없었지만 다음 해결책이 나를 위해 일했다.

내 Nexus 4에서 :

  • 설정으로 바로 가기

  • 개발자 옵션을 선택하십시오 ( "전화 정보"에서 7 번 누른 후 목록 끝에서)

  • "USB 디버깅"을 확인하고를 누르십시오 OK.

가치가있는 경우 내 경우에는 USB 연결 모드를 미디어 장치 (MTP)에서 카메라 (PTP)로 변경하여 간단히 문제를 해결할 수있었습니다.

이 문제를 해결하려면 Windows 7 x64를 새로 설치해야했습니다.

I tried all steps/variants in the other answers. No luck. Device Manager would show my 'Android Device / Android Composite ADB Interface' working properly with the driver from Google, but nothing could get 'adb devices' to show my Nexus 4.

I used USBDeview to uninstall every USB device that had connected to my computer except my keyboard and mouse. No luck.

I enabled 'Show hidden devices' in Device Manager and uninstalled anything related to USB. No luck.

I added Google's vendor ID to adb_usb.ini. No luck. I deleted adb_usb.ini and ran 'android update adb'. No luck.

I brought my Nexus 4 to my brother's apartment to confirm it wasn't faulty. Worked on his machine without a hiccup.

I'm glad the clean install worked, because further troubleshooting was going to require swapping motherboards or buying a MacBook.

Boy, that escalated quickly.

Changing USB mode from MTP to PTP worked for me.

How to do it on Windows 8 (I think, it will work for Windows 7 too)

  1. Open Android SDK Manager and delete Google Usb Driver
  2. Open Control Panel -> Devices Manager -> Find your Nexus -> right click -> delete device
  3. Unplug your device
  4. Open Android SDK Manager and install Google Usb Driver
  5. Connect your device
  6. Open Control Panel -> Devices Manager -> Find your Nexus -> right click -> update drivers -> Manual update -> open android-sdk folder (enable checkbox for subfolders) -> install driver from Google Inc
  7. adb kill-server; adb start-server; adb devices should show your nexus

Do not forget, that Android 4.2 now want you to submit RSA key from your computer, look at your device screen.

To enable developers options on Android 4.2: Open Settings -> About phone -> Tap on Build Number 7 times.

Just to add to the above posts for anybody struggling to get their Nexus 4 recognized by Eclipse - ADT. In the past the device was recognized by Eclipse ADT without any issues!

I ran into the same problems as the original question. Every approach I tried wouldn't work...

  • Toggling "USB debug" selection
  • Toggling "Allow 3rd party" apps selection
  • Allowing Mock locations
  • Reinstalling driver
  • Restarting adb.exe

Simple solution in the end

  • Go to Settings -> Storage -> USB Computer Condition (Menu option from Storage Screen)

  • Change from Media Device (MTP) to Camera (PTP)

You need to install USB drivers only if you use Windows (If you're using MAC/Linux, most likely it will work fine without any driver installations)

in the following link they describe how to do it:

In short:

  1. Connect your Android-powered device to your computer's USB port.
  2. Right-click on Computer from your desktop or Windows Explorer, and select Manage.
  3. Select Devices in the left pane.
  4. Locate and expand Other device in the right pane.
  5. Right-click the device name (such as Nexus S) and select Update Driver Software. This will launch 6. the Hardware Update Wizard.
  6. Select Browse my computer for driver software and click Next. Click Browse and locate the USB driver folder. (The Google USB Driver is located in \extras\google\usb_driver.)
  7. Click Next to install the driver.

My symptoms were the composite device (this contains all of the actual USB devices such as the ADB interface, camera, etc) was not being installed. This has a hardware id of:


The composite device's children will have &MI_## after them. If you see those, then this is not the same issue.

I resolved this by coping usb.inf to %windir%\inf from a virtual machine of Windows 7. The hardware detected and installed fine after.

I have 2 Nexus 4 devices. One was connecting to ADB without any problems, the second one never showed up when I used the adb devices command. An additional symptom was, that the second phone did not show up as a portable device in Windows Explorer when the phone was set to Media mode.

At some point I found that a temporary solution for the second Nexus was to switch it to PTP mode. Then it was found by the adb devices command. The weired thing was that the first phone worked in both modes all the time!

Finally I found this solution that now allows me to connect both phones in both modes:

  • set USB mode of the phone to MTP (Media)
    Using PC device manager uninstall the device ->Android Device ->Android ADB Interface
    Make sure to check the box "Delete the driver software"!

  • then set the USB mode of the phone to PTP (Camera)
    Using PC device manager uninstall the device ->Portable Devies ->Nexus 4

  • Then unplug the USB and plug it back in (ensuring that its set to MTP (Media) and I found that the device was correctly registered in Device manager as a ->Portable Devies ->Nexus 4

Solution found at:

If you have a similar problem to connect your Nexus to ADB then I recommend to first switch it to PTP mode. If your problem vanishes with that step, I recommend to go through the additional steps listed above as MTP will probably be the mode you will want to set your phone to most of the time.

Follow Google's instructions for this, OEM USB Drivers.

In case none of the answers work perhaps the following clarifications will help. I followed the top answer and tried to load the program with ADB from the command line to reduce the possible complications and this did not work.

Once enabling PTP mode the ADB devices command would find my Nexus 4, but I could not push to it. I had to use Eclipse and in order for the dialog to display to accept the RSA key described below.

Note: When you connect a device running Android 4.2.2 or higher to your computer, the system shows a dialog asking whether to accept an RSA key.

On Windows 7, with Samsung Nexus S, it showed nothing in Device Manager, the adb devices command showed no devices, but when plugged in device said USB debugging was on and connected.

I used Andrea's Feb 2 answer to install the Google USB driver, which created the /gooogle/usb_driver directory and used RobertNovelo's Mar 7 answer to go to the link and follow the instructions. The device showed up in Device Manager under 'other'. I right clicked on it and selected update driver, and now it shows up in Device Manager under 'Android device', and now command line adb devices lists it.

I had a similar problem, and none of the previous solutions worked for me, and I've just solved it by myself (after a few hours of frustration), so I'm going to share my solution.

My computer suddenly stopped recognizing any Android device I've plugged in after it installed Android Composite ADB Interface for my Nexus 4. I was not able to uninstall the driver, because any attempt to do so by Device Manager was unsuccessful (Device Manager stopped responding every time).

So I've solved it this way:

  1. Switch Windows into safe mode
  2. Uninstall Android Composite ADB Interface
  3. Install old SAMSUNG Android ADB Interface
  4. Switch Windows into normal mode
  5. Plug-in Android device (Nexus 4 in my case)
  6. Windows recognized the device as Nexus 4
  7. Install driver from android-sdk/extras/google folder
  8. Everything works again! :)

I have a way to fix your problem:

  1. Download Nexus Root Toolkit v2.0.4:
  2. Install and select your diver and choose the Google API. For example, I chose Nexus 4 and selected Google API 4.4.4
  3. Click "full driver installation guide..." and click step 3 tab. Choose the Google drivers.

My Windows 7 installation was not finding a driver at all. The xda-forums post has the right folder to tell Windows where the drivers are -- {SDK directory}/extras/google/usb-driver.

If you don't have the extras/Google folder + Tim Bellis, go to the SDK Manager in your IDE and look for the Google USB driver in the Extras category, and install it. I cannot tell you how to do this in Eclipse, but if you have IntelliJ IDEA, it's near the bottom of the list, checkmark it and click "Install packages".

(Windows 7) My solution to this was to find the device in Device Manager, uninstall the existing driver and install a new one from the android folder in your user account using the include subdirectories option.

All the best.

Some of you may have experienced this issue. If you don't find the USB driver (like me, I downloaded a bundle of Eclipse and the Android SDK), go to <sdk>/SDK Manager. Open it and select USB Driver from the options to install and you are ready. I had to do the PTP mode too.

If you have problems to install the ADB driver under Windows 8.1, try this solution: ADB Driver and Windows 8.1

For me, it was Nexus 4 and Windows 7. I reinstalled the drivers, changed to PTP - basically went through everything.

Clicking the tab that said rather than activity_main.xml in Eclipse fixed it for me.

My solution is very silly. I had tried all the solutions above and wasted so many hours. Then I found out the solution when I browsed developer options. I didn't check mark the "USB debugging" option. The silly me assumed turns on developer options mean turns on USB debugging, but I was wrong.

It was a driver missing problem with me. I had enabled the USB debugging, tried changing the USB cable, tried reinstalling the Google USB drivers, but nothing came to my rescue.

Then ultimately I downloaded the device drivers as suggested here.

To make sure whether you have a device driver problem, go to:

  1. Computer->right click
  2. Manage
  3. Device Manager

And see if you have your Nexus shown as an "Android device" or as a device in "Others".

If it shows in "Others", your problem should be resolved by downloading & extracting this and then following these steps:

  1. Right click on your device after finding it in Device Manager as per the above mentioned three steps.
  2. Say Update driver software.
  3. Say Browse My computer for driver software
  4. Pinpoint it to the location where you had downloaded the drivers from the above link.

Finally, your device will show up as follows:

컴퓨터 관리 스크린 샷

As soon as you do this, a popup will show up on your device asking for permission to debug. Once you accept, you are ready!

참고 URL :
